Distinguished Service Award Received By Chief Medical Director At Tiwan,2016

Congratulations, Dr. Indra Man Maharjan, Chief medical director of Himalaya Eye Hospital since 2010, on receiving the Distinguished Service Award in Taiwan, in March 2016 organized by the Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO).

In addition, he has received many prestigious awards throughout his career. This award stands alone proudly witnessing your hard work and dedication. This is a certain well deserved in recognition of leadership and significant contributions to advance the profession of eye care system in remote places of Nepal. Through hard work and dedication, you have made a tremendous difference in the lives of people who are blind and visually impaired.

Himalaya Eye Hospital feels that receiving this award is a testament to the hard work of so many statewide partners. Once again, CONGRATULATIONS, Dr. Indra Man Maharjan! Your selflessness and genuine care for the patients truly deserve our admiration and respect.