Human Resource Development Programs

Ophthalmic Assistant Training Program

With an aim to contribute to the national eye care program by developing middle-level manpower for eye care service, HEH has been conducting ophthalmic assistant training since its inception. At present, many ophthalmic assistants trained at the HEH are providing eye care service from various eye hospitals and Eye Care Center(ECC) in the country. The ophthalmic assistants graduating from HEH are preferred for employment because of the quality of training, including practical exposure.

Staff Training

Staff of various Hospital and ECC comes to HEH for training and Staff from HEH also participate in various Workshop and Training in other hospital for Continuous Medical Educations.

Primary Eye Care Training

The hospital, guided by the policy of integrating eye care service into primary health care and strengthening eye care service at the primary level, has been providing primary eye care training to different categories of health personnel in the target area. This year, many Community Female Health volunteers, general health practitioners, and School teachers received Primary Eye Care Training through 3 Different Training Workshop. The Training was Provided by Senior Ophthalmic Officer Mr. Govinda Nath Yogi and Out-reach in-charge Mr. Subhash Nepal. 

Elective Study

The hospital has also attracted medical students from abroad for the elective study on Ophthalmology. Students from the medical colleges in Australia, Netherlands, and United Kingdom are coming for such study.

During the period under review, altogether six students came to the hospital: five from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, and one from University of London, UK. Each student spent three weeks for study.

Low Vision Training

 The hospital has been providing Low Vision Training to various categories of personnel (both clinical and non clinical).  119 personnel (32 clinical and 87 non clinical) were provided low vision training under the national Low Vision Program Implemented by the NNJS

MD Residents Training Program

Residents from Manipal Teaching Hospital(MTH) Pokhara were posted in HEH clinics for the MD Resident Program. Recently, HEH Signed MOE with the MTH for the MD Residents Training Program.

Orientation Program for Nursing Students

The hospital, like in previous years, conducted an ophthalmology orientation program for the Nursing students from Institute of Medicine, Nursing Campus, Pokhara and Pokhara University.