Laboratory Unit

The Himalaya Eye Hospital laboratory unit is a specialized unit that provide investigative services to assist in the accurate diagnosis, treatment management of ocular diseases. This unit performs a range of tests, from microbiological studies to biochemical and pathological examinations, ensuring comprehensive patient care. The Service provided are;-
A. Haematology

  1. CBC
  2. ESR
  3. Blood grouping

B. Biochemistry

  1. Blood sugar
  2. Kidney function
  3. Lipid Profile

C. Microbiology

  1. Culture and sensitivity
  2. Staining
  3. Urine routine microscopy
  4. Stool routine microscopy

D. Immuno-serology

  1. HIV
  2. HCV
  3. HBsAg
  4. VDRL
  5. C-reactive protein
  6. Rheumatoid factor
  7. Mantoux test