PCL In Ophthalmic Science


PLC in Ophthalmic science is three years course. It is a joint venture program of Himalaya Eye Hospital and Pokhara School of Tourism and Hospitality Management. This course is based on the job required to perform by a middle-level ophthalmic health personnel at different eye/health institutions in Nepal and abroad. They assist the ophthalmologists in various types of ocular surgeries. They perform the eye examination, diagnose the some of the ocular diseases, treat some ocular diseases but they can perform the refraction independently and prescribe the glasses. They perform minor extra-ocular surgeries, provide eye health education, organize and manage the community program, school screening program.



  • Entry Eligibility: SEE pass (having at least 2 GPA and must obtain C Grade in English, Mathematics, and Science) or equivalent.
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Admission Criteria: On the basis of merit list in the entrance examination administered by CTEVT (allotment of quotas will be as per the CTEVT rule)

Students who have successfully completed the course will be awarded the degree PCL in Ophthalmic ScienceThe graduates would be eligible for registration with the Nepal Health Professional Council in the category as mentioned in the Act of the Council. The graduates will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non-gazetted 1st class (technical) of eye/health institutions as prescribed by the Public Service Commission or the concerned authorities. They are also eligible to admit the Bachelor’s Degrees in Ophthalmology or other Health related program.

Currently, we do not have any intake of PCL in Ophthalmic science Students.